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come atleti allenati (fin dagli anni '90), siamo abituati ad alzare sempre l'asticella.


I clienti serviti con successo sono molti: settori, profili, stili di leadership diversi, dalle aziende emergenti ai brand iconici, come smemoranda la mitica agenda degli studenti e action aid, onlus straordinaria.


ogni collaborazione e' un'esperienza unica e irripetibile, ma a tutti i clienti offriamo lo stesso mix di lavoro sui dati e strategie incisive, piani dettagliati, idee creative, opportunità concrete e curatela efficiente e dedicata. 

Il nostro lavoro è orientato al risultato e ogni risultato è una nuova base dalla quale muovere.


L'esperienza drammatica della pandemia ci ha messo a dura prova, ma abbiamo reagito, creato soluzioni e trovato supporto anche dalle istituzioni. Per quanto riguarda  gli aiuti di Stato e gli aiuti "De Minimis" ricevuti dalla nostra impresa, essi sono contenuti nel Registro nazionale degli aiuti di Stato, di cui all'art. 52 della L. 234/2012 e consultabili al seguente link, inserendo nel campo di ricerca la nostra ragione sociale e/o l'identificativo di riferimento (car) 16617, e/o il cor 5011456:


Qui Di seguito i nostri lavori piu' recenti, a ritroso quelli piu' datati



DDCOM System Integrator

DDCOM System Integrator

Communication Package: Logo Immagine coordinata Sito Web Consulenza strategica

Business English | Facebook page

Business English | Facebook page

Concept and Logo FB Profile and Community

Epicure's Lounge

Epicure's Lounge

Catalogo digitale Super HoReCa



Communication Package: Logo, immagine coordinata, sito corporate, catalogo digitale, allestimento fieristico

Efficienza energetica industriale

Efficienza energetica industriale

Sito web di un progetto di ricerca

NARDI | Business Development

NARDI | Business Development

Strategic Plan and B2B Networking for the Brand of 100% Green Furniture

Golf Resort

Golf Resort

Business Strategic Consulting, Budgeting, Managerial Training

ENTESY | Energy Service Company

ENTESY | Energy Service Company

Corporate Image. Website. Social Media mgmt. Contents.

Carbonio Editore | Publisher

Carbonio Editore | Publisher

Start-up Tutoring, Communication, Events, Press Office.

Unione Confcommercio | Association

Unione Confcommercio | Association

Legal English Courses. Language Services.

Trifirò & Partners | Law Firm

Trifirò & Partners | Law Firm

Legal English Courses. Language Services.

Pictet Asset Management

Pictet Asset Management

Language Training and Courses: Public Speaking, Business English, Coaching.

Decal | Storage and Bunkering

Decal | Storage and Bunkering

Legal and technical translations. Interpreting.



Corporate Gift. Fund raising Campaigns.



Christmas Gift



Christmas Gift



Christmas Gift

VESTA Acrylic Crystal | Manufacturer

VESTA Acrylic Crystal | Manufacturer

Corporate Image

VESTA Acrylic Crystal | Manufacturer

VESTA Acrylic Crystal | Manufacturer

Strategy and Marketing Plan

VESTA Acrylic Crystal | Manufacturer

VESTA Acrylic Crystal | Manufacturer

Website and Digital issues

VESTA Acrylic Crystal | Manufacturer

VESTA Acrylic Crystal | Manufacturer

Exhibit Design Project

Smemoranda | The most iconic school diary

Smemoranda | The most iconic school diary

ADV Campaigns (creativity e production) Media Buying Media Relations and PR Brand extension Licensing

TAMOIL ITALIA | Oilinvest Group

TAMOIL ITALIA | Oilinvest Group

Managerial Language Training

ODD Milan | Online Shop

ODD Milan | Online Shop

Web Graphics for the newest ecommerce in Milan, about the city >>

ODD Milan | Online Shop

ODD Milan | Online Shop

Web Graphics for the newest ecommerce in Milan, about the city >>

ODD Milan | Online Shop

ODD Milan | Online Shop

Web Graphics for the newest ecommerce in Milan, about the city >>

ODD Milan | Online Shop

ODD Milan | Online Shop

FB Profile and Community

Business English in Milan

Business English in Milan

A Training Project for SME's + a website + coordinated image

Business English | Brochure

Business English | Brochure

Eight pages squared format on glossy paper, texts and graphics.

Boutique Weddings | Wedding planner

Boutique Weddings | Wedding planner

MARKETING Strategy + REBRANDING for a high-level Italian wedding planner atelier

Boutique Weddings | Wedding

Boutique Weddings | Wedding

Graphics and composits for the website

Boutique Weddings | Wedding planner

Boutique Weddings | Wedding planner

Graphics and composits for the website

Boutique Weddings | Graphics

Boutique Weddings | Graphics

Graphics and composits for the website

Boutique Weddings | Graphics

Boutique Weddings | Graphics

Graphics and composits for the website

SHSF | Brand Identity & Style Guide

SHSF | Brand Identity & Style Guide

Marketing and brand strategy, and planning. Market analysis and a comprehensive Style Guide.

SHSF | Brand Id. + Mktg Contents

SHSF | Brand Id. + Mktg Contents

Identity building for Stay Hungry Stay Foolish brand

Stay Hungry Stay Foolish Brand Book

Stay Hungry Stay Foolish Brand Book

Brand strategy + visual concept + styleguide and contents for the newest Int'l multisector brand.

Various Graphics

Various Graphics

Paper works



Lettering composit (contemporary)

Chemical Brothers

Chemical Brothers

PHOTO ESSAY from the Concert in July 2015, Padoa



Lettering composit (vintage)

HIGH Mastering

HIGH Mastering

A mistery training, between Neuroscience, 'The Big Brother' and 'The Game'

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